Job application help
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Job application help
Yes, registered candidates can apply directly to all jobs listed on the JobsMedical site. If you are a registered candidate with your CV uploaded to your profile, all you need to add is a cover letter before you submit your application
Use the contact details listed with the job and do not phone CV-Library to make an application.
Please note CV-Library does not accept applications over the phone.
Yes. Any jobs with a Quick Apply button do not require a registered CV in order to apply, but you will still need a CV-Library account. If you don't have a CV you can create one using our free CV Builder.
Please note that most jobs require a CV to be registered.
Log in to your candidate profile and click 'My applications'.
Once you have applied to a job you will receive an automatic email from JobsMedical confirming that you have made an application.
If you haven't received any email confirmations or you are unsure that your application was received, please contact the recruiter directly or reapply if necessary.
For feedback on your application, you will also need to contact the recruiter of the role directly. JobsMedical cannot provide feedback on applications.
Please contact the recruiter directly. JobsMedical has no further information about any of the jobs advertised on the site. The recruiter's contact details can be found at the bottom of the full job description. If not, you will need to use an internet search engine to find their website and contact information. We also have an A-Z Directory of all the employers and recruitment agencies that use our website if you would like to contact them directly.
You can apply for the same job more than once; however, we only recommend doing this if absolutely necessary. You will be warned if you are applying for the same job more than once.
Most recruiters will advertise their jobs on JobsMedical for 28 days. However, we recommend you apply to jobs as soon as possible as some recruiters will only keep jobs online for 7 days and we wouldn't want you to miss out on the perfect job opportunity.
Your cover letter is a valuable document for demonstrating why you are applying to that specific job. CVs tend to be quite general and only relate to a certain industry rather than job.
Recruiters will often overlook CVs that are received without a cover letter. You can edit your cover letter before every application you make.
Use your personal login details to enter your Candidate profile. From here you can edit your CV and personal details, review job applications and find job postings saved during previous searches.
Registered candidates can also set up Job Alerts, allowing you to have relevant vacancies emailed directly to you.
You can also find links to valuable resources in our candidate area.
JobsMedical is a European job board which means that we only accept applications from those based within Europe.
If you live outside Europe, you will be unable to apply for jobs through JobsMedical.
If you are having trouble registering from Europe, you can contact us via the Contact page.
Please note if there is a contact phone number with the job advert, you could reach them directly and ask about applying from abroad.
You can contact us via the Contact page.